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Life is hard, and sometimes we struggle with how to overcome.  


I believe our lives become cluttered with hints of anxiety, depression, and other difficult mental and emotional health challenges.

Counseling (or therapy) can help you sort through the clutter and overcome these symptoms to achieve a healthier mental and emotional state.  Whether it be depression, anxiety, panic, trauma, relationship difficulties, finding some simple clarity can help you identify a path forward. 


Then you'll be set free from the restlessness you are experiencing in these previously painful areas of your life.

I can show you a path to move through the mental and emotional disorder, and into a clear, simple, and intentional way of life.

If you are in the Wsarsaw, IN area, you can book an appointment with me through Human Wellness Collective by calling (574) 376-4489.






Below you can find resources for coaching through the MODULATE process:

Phase I:  Modulate LIFE

Contemplate MINDSET  -  Formulate MOTIVE  -  Activate MEANS  - Integrate 

Phase II:  Modulate PERFORMANCE

Concentrate MISSION  -  Generate/Designate METHOD  -  Initiate MOVEMENT - Reiterate MESSAGE

Phase III:  Modulate LEADERSHIP

Emulate the MODEL  -  Replicate MENTORSHIP

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